Safety & Procedures

The below forms are designed to ensure that the correct procedures are followed, not only with issues regarding your particular series, but also with safety concerns. They allow the OWG office and the broader club staff as a whole to keep track of enquiries, racing changes & most importantly matters of safety whilst on the water and at the club.

You can download the forms below with the PDF’s, or fill one out and submit it online!


I need to make a change…

I think my score is incorrect?

Hazard or Incident’s

Click the image to open up a downloadable form!

Click the image to open up a downloadable form!

The “Change Form” allows competitors to change skippers and equipment, and also crew for regattas. Submit the online form or complete one in person to the OWG office to ensure you comply with the racing rules for the season or your current regatta!

Believe we made a mistake? Need to query a result? Filling out the above form or submitting an online query can address your concerns or correct an error that may have occured!

We at SoPYC take pride in ensuring your safety whilst at the club or involved in one of our events. Should something happen, we believe in reporting the event so that we can ensure best practices are followed and so that we can ensure we provide the safest environment possible for our members and visitors.