Season's Information
Sailing Instructions & Courses
Event | Sailing Instructions | Courses |
Saturday Series (24/25) | Saturday SI's |
*Updated 11/10/24
Leeuwin Estate Midweek Series (24/25) | Midweek SI's |
*Updated 09/10/24
Twilight Series (24/25) | Twilight SI's | Twilight Courses |
The Good Grocer Frostbite Series (2025) | Frostbite SI's | Frostbite Courses |
March 8 Pursuit GO Numbers | SSIs & Course |
For a full copy of this current seasons ‘Redbook’ click the button to open our downloadable PDF, or visit the OWG office to obtain a binder hard-copy!
Make sure you check ALL Notice to Competitors to update to current version.
Download PDF Here
Keelboat Sign on Procedure
The Top Yacht Program will now be used for skippers to sign on their crew for each race.
Click below for a step-by-step guide on the sign-on process!
Keelboat Sign-On Guide
Club Performance Handicapping Policy
To learn more about how the Club's Handicapping system works, please click below.
Club Performance Handicapping Policy
ORC Club Handicapping at SoPYC
Click here for an additional handicapping system for Division 1 boats for Saturdays, Mid‐week, Frostbites and Club Championship races.
ORC Club Handicapping at SoPYC
Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) 46 PERSON IN CHARGE
From 1st January 2022, all persons on board a boat while racing shall be members of a Club affiliated to Australian Sailing and have an Australian Sailing number, or hold a valid SailPass, or if an international competitor, be a member of club affiliated to a World Sailing recognised Member National Authority.
SailPass has 2 primary functions. Firstly, to ensure we can provide the best safety practices can be followed, allowing us to know whos on the water at any given time. It also gives sailors an opportunity to ‘try before you buy’ option when sailing at our club. So give sailing a try and come join a great community!
Some races and regattas come with their own SI’s and information – head to our Regattas page to find your event or race to stay up to date!
Thank you to our Sailing Season Sponsors

Equipment Audits: Which form do I need?
The minimum category of race for the event you wish to enter will be detailed in the Notice of Race. For example, Keelboat racing on the Swan River during daylight hours is covered by Category 7. As you venture out onto the ocean the more stringent the requirements become up to Category 2 for the Geraldton Ocean Classic. Higher categories will cover lower category requirements, i.e. Cat 2 will also be good for river racing. So you only need to complete one form for the event you wish to enter that has the highest race category.
Ensure these are attached to your TopYacht race entry - or delivered to the OWG prior your commencement of racing for the year. No form, no result!
Equipment Audit Form
Use the below tabs to help make your selection from the options below:
Category 2 – Suitable for extended coastal overnight offshore races such as the Geraldton Ocean Classic.
Offshore races of extended duration along or not far removed from shorelines or in large unprotected bays or lakes, where a high degree of self-sufficiency is required of the yachts.
Inspection by an National Equipment Auditor (NEA) is mandatory prior to the race.
Category 3 – Suitable for some shorter coastal overnight offshore races.
Offshore races across open water, most of which is relatively protected or close to shorelines.
Inspection by an National Equipment Auditor (NEA) is mandatory prior to the race.
Category 4 – Suitable for some types of short offshore day racing eg. The Centaur Run
Short offshore races, close to shore in relatively warm or protected waters, normally held in daylight.
Category 5 – Suitable for night racing on the Swan River.
Races with limited rescue availability, in protected waters, in daylight hours or in sheltered waters at night.
Category 6 – Suitable for the Billy Run and some other inshore day races
Short races close to the shoreline in protected waters, in daylight hours only and with effective rescue availability.
Category 7 – Suitable for Keelboat races conducted on the Swan River
Short races in sheltered waters, in daylight hours only and with effective rescue availability. Boats not complying with Rule 3.01.3 (Special Regulations 2017-2021 Part 1) are not required to carry buoyancy.
What happens next?
Once you have completed your Equipment Audit Form, submit it via your registration entry or to the ">On Water Group. Generally for category 7 and 6 races, the form does not require a mandatory inspection by one of the Club’s appointed Auditors. SoPYC Auditors currently carry out random inspections throughout the summer season to assess compliance with the selected race category. If your boat is chosen for an inspection, an Auditor will contact you to arrange a convenient time to meet you at your boat for a quick and friendly inspection. If during the inspection, the Auditor finds any shortcomings, the Skipper is given time to meet full compliance.
Useful Links
Click here to download the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) Blue Book
Click here to see the special regulations