School Programs

School Programs

South of Perth Yacht Club offers learn-to-sail programs to school groups during Terms 1 and 4.

These programs can be booked either as a series of 1-3 hour lessons over a term, or organised as a non-residential camp over a block of 3-5 days. SoPYC provides all equipment including boats suitable to primary school or high school students, life jackets and qualified sailing instructors for each school program.

  • Our sailing programs are an exciting and easily organised option for classes such as Outdoor Education, Marine Studies and Physical Education.
  • Contact [email protected] for enquiries and more details on booking your school sailing program.

Click the image below to check out a video of Ocean Reef Senior High School’s year 10 students enjoying a 3-day sailing camp at SoPYC, filmed and edited by ex-student Jack Robinson and teacher Brad Utting. The students and teachers stayed at the nearby Point Walter Recreation & Conference Centre for the 3 days.

Ocean Reef Senior High School Camp