Galley Canteen
The Canteen is essential to the community spirit at the club and is a great way to meet with other parents and supporters whilst helping out.
- Learn how to make coffee’s
- Taking orders for food and drinks
- Making basic food
If anyone would like to help out more with some of the logistics as a Canteen Manager, organising supplies, and helping with the roster, please let us know.
BBQ & Food
The shaded BBQ’s provide another great opportunity for us to use and supplement what is on offer from the canteen.
Help sailors launch and retrieve their boats, keeping launch access organised and safe makes a big difference to sailors
Checking everything is not left out, locked away, and all secure
Anything broken or close to breaking reported or fixed
Quick repairs on the day to keep sailors on the water
Social Activities
Plan social events for our growing community of sailors and families
Learn to Sail (Rig and Theory)
First learning the correct procedure for rigging and then helping others is important for the safety and ongoing good habits for looking after and getting the most out of equipment
Initially just to see your children and how it all works
A gentle introduction to helping with something you like
Mark Layer
Working with the coaches and Race Officer to place marks in appropriate positions and monitoring to keep races fun and organised
Race Committee
Overall decisions on Race Timing and Format
Race Results
Recording finishers and collating results live on water
Race Officer
Overall in charge of the Racing
Learn to Sail
There are many opportunities to Learn to Sail, whilst your children are sailing. Why should they have all the fun?
For the light or no wind days, Stand Up Paddleboarding is another fun way to get on the water
Another challenging form of sailing is windsurfing where your body is essentially part of the rig. It is challenging but very rewarding and opens up a world of opportunities
We can arrange twilight sailing with existing members or get a team of parents together in the BW8’s for a cruise on the river watching the sunset
Keelboat Crew
There are always loads of opportunities for crewing on members keelboats on Wednesdays or Saturdays
Hobie Wave
Another easy and fun opportunity to try with other parents and your children.
Resources and Links
The WWC Check aims to protect children by:
- Deterring people from applying to work with children where they have a relevant charge or conviction on their criminal record that indicates they may harm a child;
- Detecting new charges and convictions of those people who hold a current WWC Card and preventing them from continuing to engage in child-related work where their criminal record and behaviour indicates they may harm a child; and
- Protecting children by creating awareness that child safety is a whole of community responsibility.
Click here for more information.
It is the minimum qualification needed to operate a powerboat in Western Australia and can be obtained through Australian Sailing WA
To find out the latest information on courses run at and through the club click here
Note: The RST is not a licence, so there is no need to renew the Ticket or pay ongoing fees.
Click here for more information
The Recreational Skipper’s Ticket (RST) can also be obtained through the Department of Transport (DOT)
Click here for more information
The one day Provide First Aid course provides an excellent general grounding in first aid and will enable you to perform appropriate first aid procedures and basic life support skills. This unit satisfies training requirements across for Sailing Clubs and Australian Sailing.
Course Code is HLTAID003
To find out more about courses run and/or supplied through the club click here
In addition the coaches or SoPYC staff would be happy to give some basic familiarisation of practical skills required to handle a RIB for safety and support.
Click here for more information
Click here to go to the Australian Sailing Learning portal