
UK Journalist Joins H28 Fleet

UK freelance photojournalist Nigel Sharp visited SoPYC last week following a brief encounter a few years ago with Commodore Brian Cross and Club Bosun David Locke at an Australian Wooden Boat Festival in Hobart.

They met on board a classic Herreshoff yacht with Brian and David drawing Nigel’s attention to the fact that SoPYC hosts what is arguably the only yacht club in the world that has continuously raced H28’s as a single class division since 1963.

This year, Nigel came to Australia and visited Sydney, Brisbane and Perth to collect material for various overseas boating publications. He has been commissioned to provide an article for the USA boating magazine, Wooden Boat, concerning the background and current sailing activities of the SoPYC H28 fleet.

Representatives of the SoPYC fleet welcomed Nigel last Wednesday, and with the assistance of Club members Bernie Kaaks and Garry Morrison manning a RIB, Nigel was able to film the start and early part of the H28 midweek race. He then boarded Anna on a downwind leg to enjoy participating in the remainder of the race. Across the line finishing first was Bill Richards (Swiftsure Saga), followed by John Wright (Anna), then Andrew Minto (Aloha). The Commodore officially welcomed Nigel, introduced him to the Club members and presented him with a Club burgee before announcing the day’s results.

Nigel Sharpe took the opportunity to join the H28 fleet again on Saturday afternoon with Glen Stanley on board Alma. John Wright was fastest, followed by Bill Richards and then Aloha. Glen suffered a mainsail problem during the race and was last over the line.

Nigel Sharp said: “I particularly enjoyed the hospitality of the Club and the opportunity of sailing in the H28 fleet. I now have plenty of material for the proposed magazine article.”

Thank you to all those who participated in making Nigel Sharp’s visit an enjoyable and worthwhile event.

Ernie Little
Chairman H28 Division.