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Dear reader,

Please note the information below which summarises the times and activities of the 75th Summer Opening Day on Sunday 4th October, 2020.

10.30am Skipper’s, crew and VIP guests arrival and gathering on front lawns
11:05am Guests to enter the Ballroom via the northern doors from front lawn
11:15am Opening Ceremony
12.35pm Guests to board VIP vessels on jetty 1 and jetty 3. Official Party to saluting point.
12:40pm Power yacht sail past commences
12:50pm Keel boat sail past commences
1:20pm Centreboard (OTB) sail past commences
1:55pm Sports boat fleet racing warning
2:00pm Centreboard (OTB) fleet mid-river racing warning
1.55pm Sports boat racing warning
2:00pm S80 fleet racing warning
2:05pm Keelboat pursuit racing warning
2.55pm VIP vessels depart to watch racing fleets
4:00pm Afternoon tea for all
5:00pm – 6:00pm Complimentary drink and finger food
6.00pm Sailing Results announced and Best Dressed Vessel

**Quarterdeck will be open to members from 1pm**

Please note that the main car park and the car park that leads to jetty 4 will have reserved bays for out VIP guests and kindred club officials attending the ceremony.

Sunday will be one of the Club’s busy days and demand for parking bays will be high with keelboat sailors, OTB sailors and power boat owners all participating in activities. The main car parking areas are set aside for voting members. We have arranged access to the Goolugatup Heathcote lower land (access via the gravel car park adjacent to the roundabout) for non voting members and guests. crew members and overflow car parking.

If you are planning to be away over the weekend, please park your car in the southern car park. We appreciate your assistance with the parking demand by parking in areas that are not set aside for guests.

Maintenance work to vessels on the hardstand must not be conducted between the hours of 10.00am and 2.00pm.


South of Perth Yacht Club